Richmond's Conservatives Call For Councils And TfL To Finally Start Construction Of The Temporary Bridge 7th September 2020 Paul Hodgins, Cllr for Barnes and leader of Richmond's Conservative Group, said, "We have stated that the most urgent action needed over the closure of... Local News
Conservative Councillors for Barnes have sent letters to both the Mayor of London and the Department for Transport asking for collaborative working to repair Hammersmith Bridge and for urgent progress to build a temporary crossing . 3rd September 2020 Conservative Councillors for Barnes have sent letters to both the Mayor of London and the Department for Transport asking for collaborative working to repair... Local News
Conservatives Call for an Emergency Council Meeting to Demand Toilets on our Greens 17th August 2020 The Conservative Group on Richmond Council has called for an Emergency meeting of the Council to deal with the growing problem of a lack of public toilets in... Local News
The Lib Dem Council Must Start Showing Some Leadership & Action On Hammersmith Bridge 14th August 2020 TfL have announced that after finding significant additional fracturing on Hammersmith bridge they have had to close the bridge to all crossings, including... Local News
With The Future of Hammersmith Bridge Now Uncertain, Richmond's Lib Dem Council Continues to Say "Not Our Problem" 27th July 2020 With The Future of Hammersmith Bridge Now Uncertain, Richmond's Lib Dem Council Continues to Say "Not Our Problem" Transport for London have announced their... Local News
LibDem Council drag their heels over awarding Discretionary Funding to small businesses 15th July 2020 LibDem Council drag their heels over awarding Discretionary Funding to small businesses Despite millions of pounds of funding available for Richmond Borough... Local News
Richmond Borough Conservative Councillors call for a plan to restore the Visitor Economy 14th July 2020 Richmond Borough Conservative Councillors call for a plan to restore the Visitor Economy Very few boroughs can compete with Richmond Borough when it comes to... Local News
Lib Dems Questioned by Kew Residents on their Failure to Consult or Listen to their Views 9th July 2020 Lib Dem Chairman of the Transport Committee questioned by Kew Residents as to why he is not consulting or listening to residents with changes to Kew’s roads. At... Local News
Lib Dem Councils Motion to Increase Pressure on Public Transport 8th July 2020 Last night’s full council meeting saw the Lib Dem administration put forward a motion that could increase the pressure on public transport potentially... Local News